Tuesday, April 23, 2013

DAILY BREAD…The Holy transformation...as believers IN Christ…

Blessings to you TODAY!  

David writes in Psalm 51:10:  “Create a clean heart in me, O God, and renew a faithful spirit within me…”

The word "create" is very important. It means ‘make’ … but ONLY if GOD is the maker!

The Bible starts by saying "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Gen 1:1).  Only God could do it!  And only God can make a new heart for a person. A new heart really means a new person altogether.

Paul wrote in his Second Letter to the Corinthians: "If anyone is IN Christ he or she is a NEW person" (2 Cor 5:17). "In Christ" means "a Christian".  "New person"…is a person that God has created again…or "a new creature".  

David wrote Psalm 51 a thousand years before Paul wrote Corinthians.  Christians understand what David wrote after reading what Paul wrote…We do not read it as Jews, but as Christians.  We are "born again" or "new people" because GOD has created them AGAIN…when they become Christians!

The "spirit" in verses 10-12…means the “Holy Spirit”, another name for GOD. It is the part of GOD…that He puts IN uswhen we become Christians…and THIS IS the beginning of our “Holy Transformation!”  Amen!

2 Corinthians 3:18(NLT) “So all of us who have had that veil removed…can see and reflect the glory of the Lord!  And the Lord…who is the Spirit…makes us more and more LIKE Him…as we are changed into his glorious image!

Colossians 2:9 For IN Christ…lives ALL the fullness of GOD…IN a human body

Prayer:  Father God…I receive your word today in Psalm 51:10-12: 

Create a clean heart IN me…O God…and RENEW a faithful spirit within me…” 

I thank you that Your Word promises me that as I have received Jesus…Your son…who died for me on the cross…as my Lord and Savior...I can be renewed!  Become a NEW person…Born again…IN your eyes!  I thank you…that IN you…I will receive a NEW life today and into Eternity!  Lord Jesus…in quietness…and confident trust…I receive this promise…and thank you…as you WILL do a new thing IN me!  And the Lord GOD…who IS the Spirit…will make me more LIKE Him…as I am changed into his glorious image from this day forward!  Amen

Selected commentary: Gordon Churchyard: A New Man
Psalm 51

NEED Prayer?  I would be HAPPY to lift up your needs to the Father today… J

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