Saturday, April 13, 2013

DAILY BREAD…The Holy believers IN Christ…

Blessings to you TODAY! 

Romans 10:17 “FAITH comes from hearing the message, and THE message is heard through THE Word…about CHRIST.” 

I just LOVE this verse…It says EVERYTHING about why I am SO passionate about the daily devotionals!  The Word of GOD IS ALIVE…and it has the POWER to transform us, heal us, and bring us CLOSER to our maker each day….BUILDING our Faith! 

The next several weeks I will be focusing on verses in the Bible about the Holy believers IN Christ…

LOVE your feedback as always! Blessings to you on your journey with Christ! Amen

"The more we let God take us over, the more truly ourselves we become — because He made us. He invented all the different people that you and I were intended to be. It is when I turn to Christ, when I give up myself to His personality, that I first begin to have a real personality of my own." C. S. Lewis

The Holy believers IN Christ…

2 Corinthians 5:17   Therefore, if anyone is IN Christ, the NEW creation has come! The old has gone, the new is here!

This bible verse encourages believers about their identity IN Christ, and speaks to the reconciliation that GOD has made with mankind.

Christ's kingdom IS spiritual…the transformation/change must take place chiefly in the Spirit.  IN Christ…God's people…have been cut off from their old former state of being…and are now given a new FRESH spiritual vibrancy, as they have become citizens of the future government of Jesus!

The One Volume Bible Commentary gives a paraphrase of verse 17, saying, “Whoever then knows Christ IN this higher way is indeed a NEW man!  He looks on life from a higher point of view. His ideals and aspirations have been transformed.”

As Christians, we can become discouraged and feel like hopeless miserable sinners, frequently tempted to do what is wrong.  BUT…God's desire for His people is to see themselves as FREE from the bondages of darkness!  And to experience the VICTORY that Jesus has over SIN and death!  SO, IN CHRIST…we ARE liberated from our past weaknesses…and can find NEW STRENGTH…that is now in our NEW identity IN Jesus Christ!  Amen.

Prayer:  Father GOD…I thank you for your Son JESUS…Today, I receive your Word in 2 Corinthians 5:17   “Therefore, if anyone is IN Christ, the NEW creation has come! The old has gone, and the new is here!”    Jesus cleanse me…continue to do a work IN me and renew my Spirit, freeing me from my past, liberating me over my weaknesses, and give me NEW Holy Strength…IN my new identity IN You…Amen

Selected Commentaries from: “A Deep Investigation: 2 Corinthians 5:17-21”

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