Tuesday, November 16, 2010

HE Speaks..On Protection

I am in an unknown place..and feel SO exposed!

You are my God and you promise to protect your sheep

You are my shield and my strength!

You thrust the enemy away and say..Destroy!

I will RUN to you for shelter

YOU WILL NOT rest… keeping your flock safe and protected

I will RUN to you for refuge!

You are with me in my time of trouble, and will deliver me safely back to the fold

I CAN REST….your word says an angel of the Lord encamps around me always

I have no need to fear!

I will REST in HIS Protection

Psalm 34:7 (New International Version)

7 The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him,
   and he delivers them.

Psalm 28:7 (New International Version)

7 The LORD is my strength and my shield;
   my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.
My heart leaps for joy,
   and with my song I praise him.

Deuteronomy 33:27 (New International Version)

27 The eternal God is your refuge,
   and underneath are the everlasting arms.
He will drive out your enemies before you,
   saying, ‘Destroy them!’

Micah 5:4 (New International Version)

 4 He will stand and shepherd his flock
   in the strength of the LORD,
   in the majesty of the name of the LORD his God.
And they will live securely, for then his greatness
   will reach to the ends of the earth.

Psalm 91:2-3 (New Living Translation)

 2 This I declare about the Lord:
   He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;
      he is my God, and I trust him.
 3 For he will rescue you from every trap
      and protect you from deadly disease.

Deuteronomy 28:7 (New Living Translation)

 7 “The Lord will conquer your enemies when they attack you. They will attack you from one direction, but they will scatter from you in seven!

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