Wednesday, November 3, 2010

HE Speaks: Invitation

This is a personal invitation to be a part of a NEW Blog , HE Speaks! 

My first post started as a dedication to my women’s bible study group, and how it might feed our group.  In just a few short weeks, I feel this blog taking on a whole new purpose:  A purpose with an opportunity to not only feed our own, but to share with others in need. 

Starting this Blog, has truly been spirit driven, and I am excited, each day, to see how HE inspires me to write! It is my prayer, that this blog will feed you with His truths, and give you hope!  

If you like the blog, sign up as a follower!  It is easy!  You can make “comments” from your account with your Gmail username.  If you do not have Gmail, sign is easy!!  If you are not interested in the blog, please just let me know and I will remove you from the email list.

I encourage you to take a leap, and begin to comment how the blog has spoken to you!  It is an opportunity to speak boldly on your faith, and share your journey with other believers!

 I have felt the Lord calling to me to open up this forum, and share with many.  Words can escape us, and sometimes the gift of music says more than we can express with our own words.  It touches and delights our souls….SO..I am going you to encourage you to share with your family, friends, neighbors, and anyone who comes across your path and will benefit from reading and hearing the Truth of our God.

We are called to be BOLD in our faith, and state what we believe. Bold..write a comment on the blog…and see how God blesses your path!

Many Blessings,

PS..keep some headphones handy near your computer to enjoy the music!  Even if you can hear audibly without the headphones, putting on the headphones will give you an opportunity to sit quietly, and just listen to HIS truths.  A moment of escape!  Can be very refreshing!

1 comment:

  1. YES YES YES!!! PRAISE OUR LORD!! Kristen. Yae!! So thrilled that we are inviting others to join the blog site! How God is speaking to you through His spirit and music and His transformational and I am excited to share with others!! I love you friend soooooooo much!!! The momentum is contagious!! I am going to be bold and share this site and my love for Jesus with others!! I LOVE YOU FRIEND!!!!
