Friday, November 1, 2013

Daily Bread “This Is How We Know What LOVE Is…”

Blessings to you TODAY!

 “The Day of Atonement was Israel’s most solemn holy day. On that day, God made a way for his sinful people to set things right with Him, the Holy One of Israel. But like the scapegoat that kept looking back, sin and guilt always returned. Year after year, goat after goat, the ritual was repeated: One goat slaughtered to atone for sin, the other sent far into the wilderness to remove the presence of guilt. But it wasn’t enough. It merely symbolized what was to come….

When Jesus died on the cross and was banished to the tomb, HE fulfilled the requirement for the two goats on the Day of Atonement. His sacrificial death on the cross atoned for our sin...finally making us one with God for ALL time...His journey to death removed our guilt for all time. He took our sins with him to the pit of hell, just as the scapegoat was banished into the solitary wasteland. It was a high price to pay. The scapegoat didn’t have a choice, but Jesus did. He chose to die because of His unfathomable LOVE for us... This IS how we know what Love is…Jesus Christ laid down his life for us” (1 John 3:16).” Bible Gateway

1 John 3:16 (NLV)We know what LOVE is because Christ gave His life for us. We should give our lives for our brothers.”


NEED Prayer?  I would be HAPPY to lift up your needs to the Father today… J

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