Tuesday, March 22, 2011

HE Speaks…the Refining Moment!

How do we truly make the Lord our refuge??  By giving THANKS to God in ALL things...
In thankfulness….we separate ourselves from our circumstances

In thankfulness to God… there is a proclamation of Trust!...In Trust there is Peace!...And In Peace…worry is released!!!

The Lord does His greatest works in those that give thanks for Him…and trusts His path...

How do we give thanks when we feel No joy?…or just do not understand?
We do it anyway…It is a discipline

True joy WILL NOT come until the heart is in a thankful place...
We have it all wrong….we endlessly wait for the joy…and then think we will give thanks

A True connection to God,  is a thankful posture in the good and in the bad…Job

Jesus is our Perfect example!

In John …Jesus gives thanks to the Lord for the loaves and the fish, when there is not enough to feed all…He blesses the food..and THEN….. there is more than enough!  More than enough!  In thankfulness…God blessed not enough…and made more than enough!

In John 11:41…Jesus weeps at the death of Lazarus...He understands the loss…and the pain…and He cries, and then THANKS the Lord for hearing his prayer….and THEN…. the miracle…Lazarus is RAISED from the dead…Jesus starts in a thankful posture….and God raises the dead!  Thankfulness raises the dead!

In Luke 17: 11-19…Jesus directs the 10 men with leprosy… “he says, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed.   15 One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. 16 He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan.  17 Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? 18 Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” 19 Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.”  

He said to the ONE…who gave THANKS….Your Faith has made you well…Thanksgiving is an INTEGRAL part of a saving faith!!!

I am beginning to call this new posture…my “whatever” faith.  Whatever Lord…Whatever …You are there…I will not fear…You are with me…and Your name WILL be Glorified!

I will NOT Worry…In Faith, I give Thanks to God!  He IS my refuge:                             
Because We have made the Lord our Refuge…He Promises:                           
  No evil shall be fall us
            No plague will come near our home
  He shall give angels charge over us… and keep our ways…
  and in their hands they shall bear us up..in all dangerous circumstances

Because We have made the Lord our Refuge…He Promises:
            We will be delivered
            We will be exalted because we know Him!
            Whenever we call on His name…He will answer!
            In ALL our troubles…He will answer!
  He will not only answer, but will also deliver and honor us with
  a satisfying, long lasting life!  AND HE will GIVE us eternal salvation!

What am I to EVER fear?  The Lord Truly IS my Refuge!!!

I am loved, and protected!!!

Psalm 91: 9-16

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