We have become SO preoccupied on the finite…and completely
forgotten or just plain ignorant to the Infinite…
I was having this discussion recently with my husband who believes in God…but is still learning about the Christian faith.
Together we looked at a timeline of recognized documented historical
religions. He was blown away that
Judaism dated back 2000 BC or so...Interesting too, that Hinduism started
around the same time as when Moses was presenting the Ten Commandments to his
early Jewish nation…and all other religions follow to today.
SO what is the commonality here? Together we agreed
that historically mankind basically has always looked to some sort of higher
power…has recognized from the beginning of his need for grace... whether it be
sustenance... power…and or mental, physical or even spiritual help.
It seems that man has recognized that a “belief in a higher power” could give him an upper hand on the days he walked on the earth and into even into the realm of the next life...which is where we get the word “karma”
kar·ma (in Hinduism and Buddhism) “the sum of a person's
actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate
in future existences.
Informal destiny or fate, following as effect from cause.”
It's fascinating to be enlightened about old world religion and compare to what we know today. Even more fascinating is to take some time to explore our current dating/calendar system…
It's fascinating to be enlightened about old world religion and compare to what we know today. Even more fascinating is to take some time to explore our current dating/calendar system…
Our current calendar system is based on the beginning of
Christianity….which bears much weight that something VERY significant must have
happened to make the calendar reflect AD and BC.
BC denotes ‘Before Christ’ and AD signifies after the death
of Christ….
But “AD” actually is an abbreviation of the
Latin “AnnoDomini” translated “Year of our Lord” which
refers to the year of Christ’s birth. The
BC-AD or the Anno Domini calendar dating system came about almost as
a byproduct of the historical debate over the dating of Easter…to annually
celebrate the resurrection of Christ.
The BC-AD dating system did not exist prior to the sixth
century…BUT is NOW the almost universally accepted dating system!
The early Jewish culture took painstaking time and accuracy
to record not only their current history, but also what was known from their
earliest heritage... explaining the beginnings of earth and the introduction of
mankind upon it…This history was the beginning of Gods family...and the
Jewish nation would become known as Gods chosen people…as the world began
to multiply and disperse…
I read recently that early Hinduism records worship to A “higher God” and even refers to a great flooding event recording that only one man survived upon the earth…
This is striking similar to the Noah's ark and one man and his family being the only survivors as told in the Bible.
I read recently that early Hinduism records worship to A “higher God” and even refers to a great flooding event recording that only one man survived upon the earth…
This is striking similar to the Noah's ark and one man and his family being the only survivors as told in the Bible.
As one looks at this historical religion timeline…individually…we begin to seem VERY small in the course of 4000 years!
Billions of people over the course of humanity have looked to a higher power…
Today…2000 plus years AD…in the universally recognized historical calendar…there is such unrest and distress…
In America ,
we have become a nation preoccupied on people, politics, policy…political correctness...and
we are FAR from a preoccupation about God and whether we are living righteously
upon this earth…
Sadly…in mans imperfection…all generations have done this
since the beginning of time...and it grieves the Lords heart…hence we need
I call these current times as the days of the “GREAT “distraction”…designed
to keep your mind off the Infinite and stay only stay focused on the finite…
I have studied the Bible now for over 10 years….and seriously have fallen in LOVE with the Old Testament! Contrary to the belief that this book is about Gods wrath….
The Old Testament is a study of the early Jewish heritage. It illustrates to us Gods plan for his chosen
Jewish family, and ultimately sets up the family heritage that would produce
the Messiah. The Messiah…Gods plan for human
eternal salivation…not only for his chosen people….but to ALL who learn of His eternal
plan and embrace the Good news about the Messiah.
Today….2000 years on the other side of BC…Judaism, still
practiced, is agreed and known to be one
of the oldest of religious doctrine.
Even within the Jewish doctrine…man recognizes his insufficiency in order to come to a Holy and righteous God. In the days of the Old Testament, the Jewish nation performed animal sacrifice in order to make temporary atonement for each mans sinful nature... Then and today…they celebrate annual festivals to remember the Greatness of God…and what He…GOD…has done for his chosen Jewish nation…carrying forth the covenant that God had made with Abraham so long ago…
Within the Old Testament…are the writings of the Major and minor Jewish prophets. Within these writings…there is a direct reference to a “Messiah”. There is no dispute that it's there…however the Jewish nation still believes He…The Messiah…has YET to come. Christianity states He DID come…and his name was Jesus. This bible scripture points to the exact details of the coming Messiah including time… places ….events…. and even the description of how he would be treated and ultimately die.
In my own reflection…the Old Testament is not only a record of the Jewish faith and its doctrine but also is a template…for ALL who study it….pointing the reader towards the coming of Christ…the chosen Messiah…and ultimately points to this NEW AD doctrine…“AnnoDomini”….the “Year of our Lord”...Christianity.
One might even say that the “New Testament” is the “litigation” to prove who Christ was...and that the Old Testament was COMPLETELY correct as it recorded ALL of the prophecy about the coming Messiah….who was Jesus…the Christ!
Today is
The spread of the Christian faith was and has continued to spread SO quickly to the ends of the earth….that is has become one of the worlds largest recognized organized religion…."As of 2010, Christianity was by far the world's largest religion, with an estimated 2.2 billion adherents, nearly a third (31 percent) of all 6.9 billion people on Earth," the Pew report says. "Islam was second, with1.6 billion adherents, or 23 percent of the global population."
This fact alone confirms that as a whole…mankind continues
to look to a higher power!
One should be always be informed before attaching himself to
a faith or belief system…and I believe MANY need to study ALL religions before
making a personal decision to believe in “something”
As I write this devotion, it is winter time on theOregon
coast. The days have been long…filled
with clouds and rain….and even the occasional snow. But within the last few weeks…I have noticed
the sweetness of songs in the air…the birds!
As I write this devotion, it is winter time on the
I know this sound…and it always signifies that Spring is
around the corner! Soon the flowers will
arrive showing us a colorful array that pleases the man’s eye…
Did you know that the Bible tells us God gave us the 4 seasons
of the year? Given for our pleasure to enjoy….and also designed as a reminder
to man of who He/God is...and that He and ONLY He is God…who created the
heavens and the earth with those amazing colorful seasons! AMEN!
Today…we have the advantage to look back at the last 4000 years reliably ….As history and text reveal what has happened over the course of time…even within religions and the cultures that embraced them…
Today…we have the advantage to look back at the last 4000 years reliably ….As history and text reveal what has happened over the course of time…even within religions and the cultures that embraced them…
Looking back 2000 years BC…the Jewish nation accurately passed
down the sacred doctrine of the early Jewish scripture…They were taught by
their elders of who God was in their past family history, as well as how to
live in communion with a Holy and righteous God. And as people and
cultures drifted away from this nation…it is no wonder how so many pagan
cultures developed in time… ultimately starting new ways of worship and
thought…BUT NONE that have lasted as long as the earliest Jewish doctrine and
In Gods timing…we all now have access to the early Jewish documents and testimonies within the Old Testament….we can read about what He did…and what He promised to His own people….And just as important…see that He ALSO had a promise for the “gentile.”…the man not raised in the Jewish faith…the guy outside “the circle of trust” you might say... J
Coming full circle back to this common theme…that ALL mankind from the BEGINNING of time has recognized his smallness…a need to prostrate himself to a higher power…looking for favor in his earthly life ...
Where did that human instinct come from??? GOD….because man
was designed by God to be in relation with God and to have an innate desire to
commune with God who created him….
As the bible tells us…GOD…had a plan from the BEGINNING…to allow
ALL mankind to have a way to be reconciled. FIRST with the Jewish nation…His First
Love…but ultimately for ALL who learn of the Gospel…the Good News…and take it
to heart…
Why would you not want to explore what this ALL means as human upon this earth???
Being “distracted” and preoccupied is a ruse...to not put
your passion and deepest of emotions into the Infinite that DOES exist....
I have recently re-read the book called the “Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel, a true story of an Atheists journey to prove that Christianity is a false religion.
I have recently re-read the book called the “Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel, a true story of an Atheists journey to prove that Christianity is a false religion.
I had no idea that this book was going to be released as a
movie in 2017.
Whether you have read this book or not, I would HIGHLY
recommend going to see the movie! It will
answer MANY questions you have about the legitimacy of the Christian
faith. It also may inspire you to dig
deeper into your own faith…and or even a reason to explore what a personal faith
in God looks like ...
May God Bless you in your faith journey upon this earth…
And May “The Lord bless you and keep you…may the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you…may the Lord lift up His countenance upon you...and give you peace.” Amen
May God Bless you in your faith journey upon this earth…
And May “The Lord bless you and keep you…may the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you…may the Lord lift up His countenance upon you...and give you peace.” Amen
Numbers 6:24-26
From the Old Testament, written approximately 1400 B.C. by
Moses…the author of the Book of Numbers