Friday, May 20, 2016

The Final Victory!

Today…I just finished reading the entirety of the Holy Bible! YES...I have read every word…on every page of this Holy document. This is a first for me! And what a ride...God is most certainly in the details of life...from the beginning of time with mankind…to the final last days the earth will ever the unveiling of the New Heaven and New Earth where there will ONLY be peace, goodness, and love...

The Bible tells us, as believers, that someday we will dwell with God in the perfectly created NEW eternal home for his faithful church....thanks be to Jesus...His perfect son.

In reflection of the thousands of written words within the Holy Bible...the message is SO clear...we were created by God...and made to be in relationship with God....

And this is how it all began....As we read the first words in Genesis...God created man to live WITH Him in the Garden of Eden…We also see that Eden was NOT Heaven. Yes…God created a paradise...but with restrictions...There was the temptation element...and there was choice to not be obedient....Adam and Eve ultimately choose not to honor the Righteousness of God....THE Holy Creator.

So WHY was there choice and temptation in the paradise of Eden? Because IF obedient, and within the garden God had would continue to thrive and live with GOD and there would be NO perfectly created by the Maker. But if would no longer be righteousness to walk in the garden with God and death would be inevitable.

Gods plan for man in Eden was perfect...but the tempter....temporarily won...Thousands of years later, we are the extended generation of humanity that still lives with the consequences of disobedience since the fall within the Garden of Eden so long ago…

As mankind has morphed to a population of over 7 billion, our human nature stays the same....continuing to be tempted...and doing what we should not do...

However, from the beginning of human disobedience in this world, God continues to seek his creation....even though they/we messed up! God desires a RE committed relationship that is pure and authentic to a Holy and Righteous God…who deserves ONLY praise and thanks. Even in the early pages of Genesis…we read that men “began to call on the Name of the Lord” (Gen 4:25)

The BEGINNING of the Bible describes Gods amazing creation of the heavens and the 1st earth...

And the FINAL Holy words of the Bible...END with the amazing Beauty of the NEW Heaven and New earth....

The pages in between....temptation reigns....people do what they should not do...and they defile themselves to a Holy God that created them...On the surface, it almost seems like a hopeless, endless cycle of self destruction....greed and envy of a world that is doomed...

However, if you look closely from the very beginning of this Holy document...we see that a plan for Victory is already in place for eternal salivation! And IN Gods timing…it will be a complicated long documentary of history that NEEDS to take place in order to achieve THE Final Victory!

The Victory Plan BEGINS in Genesis…with THE Living Holy Word...And the Word soon became alive within men who would prophesy... And through a chosen people the Lord called His own....

God would eventually reveal the “cornerstone” to the family of God....a immaculate conception....born of a human woman...created perfectly to live as a man.... A man who would ultimately be the perfect bring Righteousness to those who desired God....

The Son of God…He was the First....and on this earth who NEVER sinned...and his name was JESUS!

Prophets foretold of him thousand of years before he was born! And before He was born....He WAS the first living Word....And the Word....then spoke to some men...who were Gods representatives to help his creation “see” God, so that men would turn from there temptations and to seek a Holy and Righteous God....

The prophets message….Seek to be to honor THE God that calls Himself The I AM...GOD! He IS The First....The Word....The Beginning....The Fulfillment...The End....The Eternal...The Alpha...and The Omega! He IS the ONLY GOD… From the Holy beginning of His earthly creation...through the space of time that man now calls himself “god” the final days of this 1st the beginning of a Final Eternal home that lasts forever....Amen!

These eternal…Holy God breathed words within the Bible have such detail! Each word carefully placed with deeper significance....For such historical detail....for such time as this...for such DRAMA in a space of time since the Garden of Eden…These words originate from God Himself…and they are continual....eternal....and the message is SO SIMPLE…AND FREE…for ALL creation to hear and to embrace!

There is only ONE requirement…“choose to believe…”

Life and Judgment Are Through the Son
Jesus said…
“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life. John 5:24(NKJV)

“Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” John 20:29

God knows we cannot make ourselves righteous to a perfect God…

So we are called to CHOOSE to BELIEVE in these Holy words within this Holy document…that says that Jesus was God...and that He came to save humanity from eternal death....

Jesus Testifies to the Churches
 “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.” Revelation 22:12

“I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I AM the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.” Revelation 22:16

Since that day in the Garden of Eden when mankind chose to rebel...we were doomed...But God…from the beginning…had a plan to save us from our natural temptations...and offers an Eternity in a Perfect Paradise called Heaven!

It is hard to grasp “WHY” God first allowed temptation in the garden and for us to “sin”... But this IS the “beginning” of the historical Holy documented history, that leads to the Final Victory....where order is restored....where evil no longer reigns...and peace, love and grace reside in a Holy Eternal home in Heaven…Amen!

GOD gave us His perfect son....Jesus...who was order that we...unholy...and unrighteousness....doomed because of the fall in the garden...might someday dwell among the Father and the Son...Amen!

As these Holy words guide us through the historical days of old...we see glimpses of the days YET to come…These words have been precisely recorded for our own awaken us out of our trance like state... The Word calls us to be aware of how things will be when there is NO more time to choose whether we believe IN God... And that there is such a thing as the afterlife....there is! 
For EVERYONE....but it is not pretty for all.

Some say…that is NOT fair! 
But who are we??? We are just our own little gods... Did we create ourselves? Do we have the means to create the heavens...separate the seas...bring a man back from the dead…“will” ourselves to live forever...??? That is ONLY in the Power of a Living God...

And the complexity of God…is just NOT for a mans mind... Which is why the message is SO simple for mankind… “Just believe…”

Even though we do not understand it all... Even though life does NOT seem fair... Even though it seems like evil wins....and there is such unrest in the world...lack of peace.... and the world seems to be in a chaotic spin…Jesus said....Just believe...

We are NOW living in the last days of THE Master Plan...that will bring finality to this earth We WILL come to the end of the ages... And finally there will be retribution for those who blasphemed God...and did the work of the one…the tempter…who thought could win. is THE message from the beginning in Genesis!

And VICTORY is THE FINAL REVELATION…in these last words within this Holy document…

God was in ALL the details from the very beginning of time.... And there WILL be final Victory over a very broken world....that will be no more... Finally there will restoration...a New Heaven....a New earth....and it will be amazingly beautiful!

Your job....
To choose whether you want to be there....For those who say Yes…they choose to “believe” what they cannot YET see...They believe there is GOD that Loves and wants YOU in an eternal home with Him....They believe the master plan is ONLY victorious because of His son...JESUS.... And they believe this…because they have been enlightened....

Belief and faith in a Holy God is NOT a secret!

The bible tells us that if you WANT to know God...all you need to do is ask....He is NOT hidden...Is your back turned? Because He is standing right beside you....waiting to say hello...

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me” Revelation 3:20

So say hello....God…I think I want to know You...I would like to understand more about how You Love....and why do You even want me? Why do You want to even talk to me? I am so broken…I am sure I could not be fixed...I could never measure up....He knows all of this and more....because He is your Father...He created you....And all He wants is to Love you....

You just have to ask...Jesus will you come into my life?
He will do the rest....

The bible says....
You will be saved “if you just believe in the ONE who sent Him...” (John 5:24)

And If we put our trust in the One...whom He sent....
HE ....Jesus, will be our attorney when we are called to the stand in front of a most Holy God and explain ourselves...

Yes we may have been good...promoted peace...and even gave to others...but rejected the idea of the need for eternal salvation... It is the BIGGEST LIE in human history that mankind has been entranced to believe...This is why we needed GOD Himself to come on this earth to fight the ugly battle for your soul from an eternity of death....

Yes ALL men will die...and ALL will be raised to meet his Maker....and some will get to live with God for an eternity...Jesus WILL refresh the soul that was faithful to believe in the believe that He was the believe that God is SO HOLY that there was NO other way to be in his presence....

Is this easy to understand? Is it fair? Is it politically correct?

The answer is NO...
But again…we ultimately did NOT create ourselves, nor His Holy plan to save Gods church...

Your job....We are called to examine ourselves...examine the evidence....and make a decision

The bible IS the historical document of the His grand plan for mankind...and it is clear as day! Yet there is choice to reject it...a choice to walk away from disregard it not believe it…to be led astray...and even to worship evil itself...

Never has there been a more IMPORTANT decision in your life....

When Moses received the 10 commandments from God....The most important call to His creation was to have NO other Gods before Him…

“You shall have no other gods before Me” (Exodus 20:3)

And Jesus said…“Love God with ALL your heart mind and soul....” (Matthew 22:37)

This IS your own personal choice...Will You choose to “Believe”???

Please follow me in this prayer if you choose to turn toward God TODAY... Did you know he stands right next to you? The bible says He holds your right hand!

“For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you…Do not fear; I will help you” (Isaiah 41:13)

Father God…today “I call on the Name of the Lord…” I pray that you meet me exactly where I am at today…imperfect…and in need of your saving Grace…I want to know you…I want to feel your love and protection…and I want to claim these Holy words as the Holy Gospel truth…I want to be included as one of your children that claim your name as Father God…and that will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven… I pray my name is included in the book of life…I want to live in an eternity with you in Peace and Love…I desire to be changed today….to be born again…through Christ Jesus!. Father I do not understand all your ways…and I pray that you will do a work in my life, starting today….so I too will bear the image of your Son upon this earth…and I too will be one of your anointed children…when you come into your Kingdom to reign forever! My heart is open to you today to receive your Holy Spirit…reside in me…and refresh my soul…I pray this today…as I call upon The Name of the Lord…and in Jesus name I pray…Amen

“Like them… the one who is Victorious will be clothed in white garments. And I will never blot out his name from the book of life, but I will confess his name before My Father and His angels”. Revelation 3:5

“And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work… I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.” Revelation 22:12-13 (NKJV)

“I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I AM the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.” Revelation 22:16