Friday, March 4, 2016

Understanding the Purpose of Suffering...

As I have been on this amazing journey in life with the Lord…I have personally found the book of Philippians to be a pivotal book of the bible.

So many GOD breathed words that encourage both the NEW and seasoned believer in Christ!

It is in this book in the bible where I began to understand the purpose of suffering. I learned WHY He allows us to go through those “dark” moments…the deepest of “valleys” in our life....the Lesson: I cannot do this on my own strength…

It IS the “mystery” IN Christ that we become filled with a strength that is at first seems “unbelievable”…as the bible calls it “surpasses ALL understanding”. He allows us to walk through the valleys so that we will learn to depend MORE upon Him…We learn not to walk not in our own strength and personal will…but IN His Good Will for us!

“I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me” Philippians 4:13 Amen!

You see as we learn to depend less on ourselves and more IN Him…the Lord gently begins to show you something NEW… A new perspective on how we might “see” things….or how we may “feel” about circumstances…

Philippians 2:13 says "For it is GOD who works IN you...both to Will and to Do...for HIS Good pleasure.”

I learned that He allows the valley so that we might be strong IN Him...that “He may Will and Do in our lives…things that Give Him GOOD pleasure…and “God will supply ALL that we need IN Christ Jesus."

So in faith...and IN trusting this God breathed truth…we are told to be “anxious for NOTHING…but in EVERYTHING by prayer and supplication and with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God…And the PEACE of God…which surpasses ALL understanding…will guard your heart and your mind through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

It IS in the deep valley we learn the true meaning of Philippians 4:19 "God WILL supply ALL that we need IN Christ Jesus."

As I have fed upon these holy words in Philippians…and IN Christ…there IS a PEACE that surpasses all understanding…

And I can honestly say it was the suffering that stirred my spirit to seek understanding…

I truly found my “Savior”(Christ)…to get me though the valley…and HE literately “changed” my hearts desire…I “saw” things and circumstance differently…

As I walked through the darkest valley, I had complete confidence that HE would sustain me…I knew HE would give me the strength I needed…and HE became my personal Sheppard that guided the rocky road…Amen

We will never completely understand ALL suffering…as we live upon a broken planet earth…and earth is NOT Heaven. But we are encouraged that “Our citizenship is in Heaven” Philippians 3:20 and to press on IN Christ Jesus…He WILL guide the way…

As we walk upon this earth waiting for the day to be in our real home in Heaven…the Lord just asks us to lean upon Him…He will do the rest…Matthew 11:28-30

In Thankfulness…He has NOT left your side…He LOVES you unconditionally…and as GOD “who works IN you...both to Will and to Do...for HIS Good pleasure…” He WILL bless you abundantly!

The “valley” is your personal journey…You were called to it for a reason…and IN His Good Pleasure…you will personally grow into a deeper relationship with Christ…And the blessings are yours to enjoy!
