It IS Promised in His word…Ask and you WILL receive wisdom from God…As you walk IN Faith with God…
2:1-5 “Every young man who listens to me and
obeys my instructions will be given wisdom and good sense. Yes, if you want better insight and discernment, and are
searching for them as you would for lost money or hidden treasure, then wisdom
will be given you and knowledge of God himself; you will soon learn the
importance of reverence for the Lord and of trusting him.”
3:5-6 “Trust the Lord completely, and don’t depend on your
own knowledge. With every step you take, think about what he wants, and he
will help you go the right way.”
How often do we consider these Holy directives…and
just choose to go our own path…?
Human weakness seems to lean that our own wisdom is
just as good…or what we think we should do…is what He would suggest anyway…
But is there any PEACE in this thinking?
You know… His answer might be exactly what we are
thinking…confirming an instinct, BUT…it may also be FAR from our own thoughts
and direction…and we know this…
Secretly hoping for our own way…so we just don’t
ask…in fear as we might not get our way…Acting a bit like a child…and we
are…getting adjustments from our Father in Heaven on where we should go next….
That “FREE will”` seems gets in the way…and the
path gets tangled…and OUR choices…well we sometimes learn the hard way…until we
get “back on His path”
In reflection….I believe we tend to FORGET a key
part of this PROMISE in His Wisdom gift…and that is PEACE…
It is human nature to struggle with what HIS answer
MIGHT be…BUT…No matter HIS answer…It will always reveal the path to PEACE…
As we stand at that the intersection of choice…is
there really PEACE without Gods directive?
I continue on this mantra of “The Lord is my
Sheppard”…Most days I have NO idea on which path to follow…and lately this is
ALL I can say…
But IN this statement…I am confirming who IS in
charge…that He has a pre designated path for me…and I acknowledge that His path
is GOOD…even as I do not know what I want…
What I DO know…HE is the PRINCE of PEACE….so what
ever direction He desires of me…I WILL have Peace…Amen!
Are you in that place of struggle?…Looking
desperately for some PEACE? Me too J Continue to join me in this daily
mantra…confirming that THE Lord…is Your Lord and Sheppard over ALL things…And
HE does ALL things well…
I will WAIT upon the Lord…and graciously RECEIVE
His amazing PEACE!
“The Lord IS my Sheppard”
“This will happen when the special child
is born. God will give us a son who will be responsible for leading the people.
His name will be Wonderful Counselor, Powerful God, Father Who Lives Forever,
and Prince of PEACE.”