Wednesday, June 24, 2015


HE Speaks….Troubles…Trials…GRACE

Each day has it trials and troubles….some days may seem utterly hopeless…I have been in that place…many times… in my walk with Christ…There have been some days I do not even have it in me to plea or beg my cause…and that is ok…

Lately, I have been back IN that place…I know the Lord is with me….my conversations with Him are keeping it real…Lord I feel defeated, loosing hope, frustrated, angry, and the list goes on…But this is what we are called to do…Going to prayer and pretending everything is fine…and “oh by the way can you fix this?”...Is NOT what a REAL relationship with the Lord looks like…

There are times we should be in tears, on our knees, feeling defeated…and IN the arms of the Maker….Even if we are just quiet, no begging, no pleading, no bargaining…Just with the Sheppard…
He will always comfort us…and in time, will speak with authority…and we will know…His directives are Good…and His ways are perfect! 

When we are in a restless place…This IS the time the Lord is COMPLETELY focused on you….You may feel left alone, weary, and lost...But He has never left your side…You are in “construction” and He is working FOR your cause…creating a Brand New path…possibly never considered…and that is the way He works!

IF we had the direction or vision ourselves…we could SO easily give our self the credit…

WHEN we are broken…and in the heat of the battle for hope…His answer is ALWAYS…GRACE.

And how do we find and receive His Grace?   Well I guess there are many ways IN Christ…But for me, lately it has been a very simple 5 word statement… “The Lord Is My Sheppard”   No long prayer requests….no pleading or begging for relief…Just these five holy words…

As many of us know…this is the beginning of Psalm 23.  The psalmist guides and assures us through the meaning of daily struggles…
That Lord does not leave our side…and that we are most precious to Him…And are struggles are not for nothing…
And that we WILL someday be IN His very presence…for an Eternity of no pain…and no more struggles….Praise our Jesus…we have this assurance IN Christ!

If this devotional strikes home with you today…follow me IN stating this Holy truth “The Lord is my Sheppard” and RECEIVE His amazing Grace… Amen

Psalm 23

The Lord is my shepherd…

I have all that I need…He lets me rest in green meadows
He leads me beside peaceful streams….He renews my strength.
He guides me along right paths…bringing honor to his name.
Even when I walk through the darkest valley…I will not be afraid,
for You are close beside me….Your rod and your staff protect and

Comfort me.  You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies.
You honor me by anointing my head with oil….My cup overflows with blessings.  Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me
all the days of my life…and I will live in the house of the Lord forever!  AMEN