Thursday, April 23, 2015

HE Speaks “The Lord PROMISES to Preserve us....”


Psalm 139:23-24 (ERV)  “God, examine me and know my mind...test me and know all my worries...make sure that I am not going the wrong way…lead me on the path that has always been right.”

It is a powerful tool to use your bible as place to "mark" circumstances in life...where we plead, where He answers....where we find clarity....and where we find rest.

Our days are over consumed with many things not of God, easily forgetting His faithfulness, His Goodness, His sovereignty over our lives....And time is a fickle we have NO perspective of Gods timing…in reference to a lifetime of eternity. 

Today as I gaze upon His truth, my "marker”, spring 2006, is written upon the page, next to Psalm 139:23-24…."Oh God…search me and know me..."

Asking the Lord to "inspect" and lead the way in a life is a BOLD prayer…that many have prayed.  The results of His guidance often lead in directions we would never have considered...or even desired....

Speaking these words in prayer is a bit like asking the Lord to do a "spring cleaning" in our ways. To refine us…to cleanse us of the shed us of the old...and renew...repurpose our path.  Maybe it's an opportunity to finally see our God given gifts and use it for the growth of the Kingdom...Or maybe it is a time we are to be tested, and put in the thick of the battle...

Regardless, the Lord will see these times to completion...
“If I am in trouble, you keep me alive...If my enemies are angry, you save me from them…
Psalm 138:7

Praise God there will be times of rest and times where we flourish in our faith.  However as believers in CHRIST we are told to expect the battles....and there will be those times where the battle seems to never we plead...the oppression of the enemy seems to never may be tempting to lose hope....and others may even say to give up on your God...(Luke 8:49)  BUT…the Lord PROMISES to Preserve us....Psalm 138:7

"Although His answer seems so long in the coming and we continue to walk in the midst of trouble....the center of trouble IS the place where He preserves us....NOT where He fails us… The times we continue to walk in utter hopelessness are the very times He will stretch out His hand against the anger of our foes. He will bring our trouble to completion causing the enemy's attack to cease and to fail."  Aphra White

In personal reflection of this prayer....I have seen His Goodness, and His faithfulness.  I remember a time as I marked this date in 2006...that I was in despair...seeking refreshment and wanting the Lord to bring something new in my life...trusting IN I would NOT know the path, that He would provide....asking for wise counsel…thanking Him for being my Shepherd...and protecting the way...
He fulfilled ALL of these requests…and more….

There are uncountable ways the Lord has answered this prayer in Psalm 139:23-24 in the lives of his followers....

ALWAYS….His Grace is the same...ALWAYS His Word is True...ALWAYS  IN His Faithfulness HE Never leaves your side....And He ALWAYS answers the prayer....

Maybe with the strength and courage to make it through...
Or the miracle to end the suffering....
Or quite possibly the warmth of His hand to bring another one of his sheep home to an eternity in Heaven with our loving God…

But my eyes are fixed on you, Sovereign Lord…IN you I take refuge….do not give me over to death.  Psalm 141:8 (NIV)

Each day planned...each has a purpose...each day the name of the Lord will be we follow His lead...walking IN faith...IN thankfulness....His promise....His will…it is Good…and it WILL be done...
Today as I look upon Psalm 139....I have “marked” spring 2015 next to verses 17-18…writing “God is faithful...”

“How precious to me are your thoughts oh God! How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand…when I awake, I am still with you.”   
Psalm 139:17-18 (NIV)

About 9 years later....I reflect….the battle was harsh and long...and at times seemed endless...BUT...the richness in relationship, the lessons learned....the amazing grace....the opportunity to grow in my be bolder in my love of the Lord...and to witness how He has "preserved " my this long time of unrest… 

This was how the Lord chose to "inspect" my ways....not what I expected...not what I desired...this was a purposeful time that would guide me to see " His ways to completion" and the name of the Lord be glorified!

Prayer  “Father God…thank you that you never leave our side...that you walk in the midst of trouble and preserve my life....use these times to grow my faith...refine me and shed the things unnecessary in my life…revealing your goodness and desired path for my life. Thank you that you have already gone before me to fight the battles, to bring about goodness and mercy for me IN your Righteousness...IN Jesus name, I accept the peace you offer in our times of trial, and to confidently have Hope IN You...Thank you that you fight ALL our battles and will bring ALL our troubles to completion...causing the enemy s attack to cease and to fail....”

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter!!!!
John 3:16   “For God loved the world SO much that He gave his only that EVERYONE who believes IN Him would not be lost...but have eternal life.” AMEN!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

A Good News Easter Message! "The Legion"

God has an amazing way of expressing who He IS…through nature...
Even can stand in awe of the amazing beauty around him and call it good. His Wisdom and Grace…this mountain image seems to beautifully reflect the scripture I have been reading as of lately...

It is spring time in the
Colorado Mountains. The days are getting longer and the sun is getting higher with each day as winter slips away.  On this day, I find myself outside enjoying the warmth of the sun, while reading His word.  I look up and am refreshed by the mountain air and the wind on my is as though ALL the trees are I read the living word....Celebrating in its Truth!

SO many trees...too many to count…some big, some small, some medium, some fat, some skinny, some weak...and some strong....It reminds me of his church....everyone in a different place....purposefully…on His chosen path in this journey of life.  But as the wind blew... Each tree holds its own...standing strong despite the wind...despite the size…and this reminded me of what we each have in Christ...the army of God that daily surrounds us...

Although we cannot "see" this army of God...that goes ahead of us... that fights the fierce spiritual battles...that protects us until we are called home....the battles are real... and His Army of Angels Prevail…Praise our Father...Bless you Jesus!

Jesus referenced the heavenly army on this Easter week in the
Garden of Gethsemane... “Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.  Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?”

(Matthew 26:52-53)                   

The literal definition of ONE legion... is “a unit of 3,000–6,000 men in the ancient Roman army.”  Or known as “a vast host, multitude, or number of people or things…great in number”

More than 12 legions would be over 70,000 angels in our Lords heavenly army.....immediately available at His call…There may have only been hundreds of men around Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, as the scripture says Judas came with the chief priests and elders in a "large crowd", carrying swords and clubs.  No match for 70,000 powerful angels!

This was a pivotal moment, as it speaks to the heavenly authority of Jesus Christ.  However…it was Gods will for Jesus not to speak...not to call on his righteous authority.... but an innocent man…the Son of God…to be treated like a order to fulfill the scriptures for our salvation. Praise you Father. Bless you Jesus.

In this Holy we remember what Christ did for us on the cross so long ago....may we be reminded....because of His sacrifice.... we not only are given “the FREE gift of eternal salvation”(Romans 3:24, 6:23), but also through the Holy Spirit that now dwells IN us…a "legion" of angels to stand firmly around us in our days here on earth! 

Jesus acknowledges the weakness of humanity in Matthew “The spirit is willing…but the flesh is weak” (Matthew 26:41) Daily, we need this heavenly army around us to press on, find hope, and most importantly have PEACE…on our journey through this life. 

IN Christ, we are sealed…protected…as the MOST precious in His eyes…and He will daily fight for us…until we arrive home, with our Father in Heaven.  “He has set His seal of ownership on us…and put His spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come!” (2 Corinthians 1:22) AMEN!

So when the wind starts to blow in our lives, the Lords heavenly legion stands strongly around us.   His promise is to NEVER leave your side…“The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms...He will drive out your enemies before you, saying, 'Destroy them!” (Deuteronomy 33:27)  

The Lord is NOT hiding...He is Waiting...waiting for seekers...And He WILL be found…Jesus said… “So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you…seek, and you will find… knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives…and he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, it will be opened” (Luke 11:9-10)

Our Lord Jesus…HE IS Grace!  HE WILL bring you back... He WILL Gather His sheep...and they WILL be with Him for Eternity! (Jeremiah 29:13-14)  Amen!

As I look upon this amazing beauty today, and "SEE" the multitude of strong trees around LEAST 70,000....I am awe struck.  As believers in Christ, we are called to live by fact Jesus said we are “blessed” because of our belief in what we cannot “see.” (Luke 11:28).  

But…every once and awhile it is GOOD to get a "glimpse" of what He tells us IS His Truth...will you gaze upon this picture....?  And think upon these things...?
He has revealed and hidden in the hearts of the man, who obediently follow His call...Truth..(1 Corinthians 2:10)   

Jesus IS GOOD.  HE IS Worthy.  He IS our Savior for NOW, as we journey....and into Eternity…where his faithful followers are blessed to be in His BOOK of LIFE. (Luke 10:20, Exodus 32:33, Rev 13:8)

Good Friday and Easter IS His invitation to be IN His Book of Life!
In Luke 13, Jesus speaks in parable about a fig tree that is not producing fruit.  The owner of the vineyard expresses interest in cutting it down as it does not bear fruit. But the caretaker asks for one more year…to encourage it to bear fruit... 
This IS a parable that expresses His invitation for Holy Grace....there IS still time.. Before "that day" where ALL will actually SEE Him, and say His Holy name. (1 Thessalonians 5:2)

NOW is the time of GRACE…The Lord waits patiently for more to seek Him...

If you have not yet seeked the Lord for your forgiveness of sins...He is waiting for you... NOT in disgust or shame…but IN LOVE.  YOU are MOST precious, and He desires you to seek His face, know His love, find Him waiting…wanting to bring you into His family!  It has been said that “never has a man that found and accepted Christ as Savior…has ever been sorry.”

There is abundance IN Him....Abundance in life NOW…as we journey…
Abundance in a promised eternal life....part of God’s Family…and our names in the Book of Life!

Prayer: “Father God I thank you for your son Jesus….He died on the cross for ME…for my imperfections…for my sins...I thank you and believe that I am FREELY forgiven through Him…the son of God, who died on the cross to save ALL…who will accept this FREE gift of eternal LIFE…Thank You Father God…IN Jesus…ALL are welcomed into your eternal kingdom…that my name is now in your Book of Life!  As I make this statement today, Father, I am far from perfect and I ask you to gracefully reveal yourself to me in my days, as I journey through this life...Be my legion...protect my days…and draw me closer to you for life abundant now…I thank you for including my name in Your Book of Life…for an eternity in Heaven with you!  Blessed be your sons name… I pray…I open my life to you…Amen”

Would you “Share” this today?? God is waiting for “More” to seek Him…Kingdom Builders!!!