“It is encouraging to know that
all of Gods closest friends …Moses, David, Abraham, Job and others had bouts of
In the bible, the friends of God
were honest about their feelings, often complaining, second guessing, accusing,
and even arguing with their Creator. God
however did not seem to be bothered by this frankness…in fact he encouraged
it…” (Job 42:7) Rick Warren “What on Earth am I Here FOR”
The “friends of GOD” were
authentic, truthful biblical examples of humanity…and GOOD NEWS…as GOD can
handle ALL of our emotions, and encourages us to be REAL with Him….Amen!
Really GOOD NEWS…as my
mind wants to play tricks on me with self condemnation of not being
appreciative enough of what He has done or has provided. Yes, HIS Grace IS always
sufficient for each day (2 Corinthians 12:9), but He is also a God of ABUNDANCE not
mediocrity. And His
word promises us that He is not finished with us yet…and WILL bring upon HIS
completion in our life...and the days we walk on this earth. (2 Corinthians 9:8,
Philippians 1:6)
in Christ, with each day we walk one step further in HIS plan towards
completion. There will be days that we feel delayed, bothered, stressed,
unsatisfied…as though we have been forgotten. But HIS word is clear…we ARE loved,
and NOT forgotten! (Isaiah 49:15-18)
Prayer for Patience is
really the GOAL…as we walk on this journey with the Lord…some days we feel
completely filled and capable and other days completely empty, lost and
wondering is God still there??? He
is, and we are called to just rest IN HIM when we are weary…Seek FIRST His
Kingdom…and find the peace…patience…and rest to endure yet another day on the journey. (Matthew 6:33)
We can PRAISE HIS name as these
are FREE gifts from God…to adapt and adjust in the daily trials we will
face…until that GLORIOUS DAY when we no longer feel the burdens of the
world...and have come to HIS FULL COMPLETION…Amen!
Prayer: Father,
today I PRAISE your name! That
you love and care for me to NEVER take your eyes off me…as your word says… “I
am engraved upon your hands”…AMEN! Help
me to just be real with you….say it like it is and be authentic and honest
about the trials in front of me…fill me with your Holy Peace, Patience, and deep
Rest…as you do a work in my life and bring it to Completion! Amen