Thursday, January 10, 2013

HE Speaks…Confidence to MOVE Purposefully in Faith

“Jesus was able to face the incredible demands of his mission because he KNEW exactly who he was…He knew that he MATTERED to God, and that gave him confidence to MOVE purposefully in faith…You are God’s PRECIOUS child and he created you in a way that PLEASES Him...because you ARE identified WITH Christ…you HAVE the power of the Holy Spirit within you.”  January 10, 2013 - You Are Defined by God and God Alone - Daily Hope by Rick Warren

Exodus 15:13:  With your UNFAILING love you lead the people you have redeemed…In your might, you GUIDE them to your sacred home.

Comforting words…and peaceful assurance as we walk on our own faith journey with Christ as savior. 

The word clearly says… that the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy.  But Jesus CAME to give us life now!—life that is FULL and GOOD NOW! (John 10:10)  He was clear that IN this time…we WILL battle…but take heart, because He HAS over come the world!  We CAN be confident…and MOVE purposefully…daily...IN Jesus name…no matter the difficulty. 

We ARE the heirs to THE KINGDOM!  You…a child of God, are PRECIOUS to the Father…and with this anointing…you HAVE the POWER to overcome!  Praise our Jesus! 

Each day will bring obstacles…each obstacle is only a test to state TRUST in what we CANNOT see….Did Jesus not bring sight to the blind?  Heal our sickness, infirmities…and is our covenant hope to NEVER leave our side?  Let us REMEMBER this as the next obstacle is hurled in front of us…

Matthew 8:16-17   That evening people brought to Jesus many people who had demons inside them. He spoke and the demons left the people. He healed all those who were sick. 17 So Jesus made clear the full meaning of what Isaiah the prophet said: “He took away our diseases and carried away our sicknesses.”

So what obstacle is IN your way today?  As we state our trust in the UNFAILING Love of God, we get the blessed assurance that He will guide the way.  You will be Blessed as you walk in Faith…the Lords name WILL be glorified…and best of all…You MOVE forward in your transformation in Christ like character…deepening your faith! 

Every obstacle is an opportunity to GROW, and experience the PEACE of God.  Praise you Jesus…Bless you Father.

1 John 2:27   Christ gave you a special gift. You still have this gift in you. So you don’t need anyone to teach you. The gift he gave you teaches you about everything. It is a true gift, not a false one. So continue to live in Christ, as his gift taught you.

Colossians 1:27 To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."

Matthew 9:29 Jesus said, "According to your faith, will it be done to you"